• The Winter's Tale

The Winter's Tale

William Shakespeare
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  • Editura: WORDSWORTH
  • ISBN: 9781853262357
  • Anul ediţiei: 2004
  • Dimensiune: 130x200
  • Limba: EN
  • Numarul paginilor: 153
  • Tipul copertei: Brosata
  • Greutatea: 0.11kg
  • Colecția: Literatura clasica
  • Livrare rapidă
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  • 69,00 lei MD
  • Disponibilitate: În Stoc
  • Livrare: 1-2 zile

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Luni - Vineri: 09:00 – 18:00
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The Winter's Tale, one of Shakespeare's later romantic comedies, offers a striking and challenging mixture of tragic and violent events, lyrical love-speeches, farcical comedy, pastoral song and dance, and, eventually, dramatic revelations and reunions. Thematically, there is a rich orchestration of the contrasts between age and youth, corruption and innocence, decline and regeneration. Both Leontes' murderous jealousy and Perdita's love-relationship with Florizel are eloquently intense. In the theatre, The Winter's Tale often proves to be diversely entertaining and deeply moving.

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